A simple yet powerful trick.

Does anyone here have the same experience with me? Try hard but still difficult to defecate, the substance is getting harden or it needs two or three days to out. If you do so, then you should continue the reading. Because I'm gonna give you a super simple trick to get you out of it. 

I once joined a training in Semarang and got
my senior teacher as my roommate. One day in the morning, while made her bed, she asked me "Mbak Liliek ndak mau ke kamar mandi?" Won't you go to toilet?. I replied, "Oh, I'll take the shower later, Mrs". That's not what she mean, actually, not the shower part. Later, she go to the toilet and do the "thing", after that she said to me, "I have become accustomed to do this every morning, and it is shows that you have a healthy digestion."


"Try to drink a glass of water right after you wake up in the morning," she continued. Ok, noted. But as my usual, I only save it in my memory without even try to apply it. Hmm....not a good habit for exemplary :). The other day I read that Rasulullah SAW also drink a glass of water when he wake up in the morning. Hmm, interesting. So my senior teacher, who may knew it sooner, has already applied it and she proved the benefit felt in her body. But still, for me, who doesn't like drink that much, (even I can hold not to drink after eating for.....fifteen minutes!), this habitual is a little bit hard to do. 

Until now. When I living in Pati, Central Java. This area has its own hobby to keep heat in its body. Although every single people who live in it turn on the fan from day-night-day, it doesn't care. Dry or rainy season won't make any significant change of its critical heat. The consequence is clear, i feel thirsty more often than the day before I live here. Every single activities require a bunch of water to replace the lost of water from the body.

And with this situation, I intentionally drink a glass of water when I wake up in the morning. Wow, that's feels good to do so. And after some days, my body react to this good routine. It is become more fresh in the morning, ready to take everything to be done. There won't be 7 a.m. in my day, except it will be interrupted by the urgent need to do the "thing". Wow, what a healthy digestion! Throw away "the rubbish" from your body everyday is a must. You won't keep it stay a little longer and poison your body, will you? So, lets go healthy! :)

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