Love from the past 10 years

"Mas...mas...puisi nya yang dulu itu

Pantai bandengan, family time

Ayo...ayo...waktunya jalan-jalan nih. Biasanya pergi berduaan aja sama suami. Tapi kalau ke pantai cuma berdua kayaknya kurang seru. Akhirnya terseretlah 8 orang dewasa dan 3 anak kecil dalam rombongan. Jadi total ada 13 orang dalam satu avanza. Hahay, seruuu... 
Pantai yang kami tuju kali ini termasuk dalam deretan pesisir pantai Jepara. Kalau kalian kenal atau pernah dengar pantai Kartini, nah, kami berdarmawisata ke tetangganya. Mendengar pantai, anak-anak kecil dalam rombongan berseru-seru senang ingin segera menyeburkan diri dalam buaian ombak kecil tepi pantai. 
Setelah menempuh kurang lebih 3 jam perjalanan (yang tak disangka akan sejauh itu), akhirnya kami menemukan gapura selamat datang. Ya, perkenalkan pantai indah ini, Pantai Bandengan. Eh? Apa banyak bandeng nya disini? Mmm, kalau kalian tanya saya, dan dari hasil pengamatan saya, tidak melihat bandeng walau seekor. Kenapa dinamakan bandengan, belum sempat saya googling. Hehe. 
Pantainya cukup terawat, terlihat dari

Resep bakwan sayur & variasinya

Dulu, bagi saya, bakwan masuk deretan makanan pendamping kategori biasa saja. Tapi, ternyata suami saya doyan. Saking doyan nya, pertama kali saya menghidangkan bakwan buatan sendiri (5 bulan setelah menikah), responnya mengejutkan. Tidak seperti respon menu baru lainnya yang saya buat 'Wah, istriku tambah pinter masak' atau 'Wah, bisa usaha rumah makan nih'. Respon yang satu ini, beda. 'Alhamdulillah'. Ah, mungkin saking senang nya suami ku. Akhirnya bisa menikmati makanan kesukaannya, hasil buatan istri sendiri. 
Mendengar respon yang sedemikian syahdunya, jadi tambah


Saya pertama kali benar-benar menyimak puisi ketika saya bertemu dengan si puisi berantai. Ketika teman-teman saya memperagakannya sebagai ajang tampil bakat antar sekolah. Satu hal yang sangat saya ingat, saya tertawa terpingkal-pingkal dibuatnya. 3 orang siswa dengan masing-masing peran membacakan puisi nya sahut menyahut, langsung tanpa jeda, seakan-akan itu satu runtutan puisi. Padahal dalam adegan itu ada 3 puisi yang dibacakan. Beberapa tahun kemudian, saya penasaran dan mencoba menjejak keberadaan teks tertulisnya di internet. Dan inilah hasil nya. Mari menikmatinya bersama-sama ^_^


Pecinta : Saya akan membacakan puisi berjudul “BUNGA HATIKU BUNGA HATIMU” untuk gadisku yang manis.

Resep Oseng-oseng (Bumbu Pusaka Serba OK)

Kalau lagi agak males atau mepet waktunya keburu laper, oseng-oseng jadi andalan. Trio nasi anget + oseng-oseng + kerupuk itu ampuh membunuh rasa yang tak kuasa terpendam. Rasa apa sih hehe... . Banyak banget bahan yang bisa disulap jadi sajian merakyat ini, dari tempe, jamur, kangkung, bayam, telur, udang, labu, teri, tahu, taoge, buncis, kacang panjang. Bumbunya ini yang bikin orang males masak kaya saya tetep enjoy beranjak ke dapur, saking gampangnya. hehe. Ayo langsung dieksekusi resep berikut ini, 15 menit kemudian bau harum masakan sudah menguar keluar dapur anda, mengajak perut diluaran merunduk malu-malu menuju dapur anda *tetangga penasaran, si ibu

(lanjutan) soal UAS Gasal Bahasa Inggris Kelas X 2015/2016

This text is for question number 26 to 28
            Nearly a week passed before Mika 26) … able to explain what had happened to her. One afternoon she set out from the coast in a small boat and was caught in a storm.
            Towards evening the boats struck a rock and the girl 27) … into the sea. Then, she swam to the shore. During that time she covered a distance of eight miles.
            Early next morning she saw a light ahead. She knew she was near the shore because the light was up on the cliffs. When she arrived at the shore, the girl struggled up the cliffs toward the light. That was all she remembers. When she 28) … a day later, she found herself in a hospital.
a.       Is                                                                                d. were
b.      Was                                                                            e. has been
c.       Are

Soal UAS Bahasa Inggris Gasal SMA Kelas X TA 2015/2016

This text is for questions number 1 to 7

A farmer had three sons. They were strong and young but never agreed with one another. They often quarreled among themselves. The farmer had given them a lot of advice. But they always turned a deaf ear. They dislike advice. The farmer felt very sad about it.
The farmer thought a lot and then he thought up a good plan. He called his sons and ordered them, “Bring me a few sticks.” The farmer tied the sticks into a bundle.
“Each of you, break this bundle of sticks,” said the farmer. They did so, but they could not break it. Then, the farmer untied the sticks and gave each of his sons a stick. Each of them broke the stick easily in the twinkling of an eye.
“There you are, my sons!” shouted the farmer. “If you remain united, you are strong, but if you quarrel with one another, you will be broken one by one easily. Do you understand what I meant?”
At last, the advice worked out. They lived in harmony and united ever after. The farmer felt relieved. “Now I can die peacefully,” he whispered.

1. What does the text tell us about?
a.       A farmer who had three rude and childish sons
b.      The three sons who broke the bundle of sticks

My Special Banana Fried (A Recipe to Try)

I got this recipe from my aunt who is really good at cooking. She sometimes prepare a box of rice and dishes for a group of pengajian near her house at Jogja. She cooked the dishes with her own creativity, sometimes helped by the neighbour if there are a lot of rice-box to fill.

Lucky for you, I will share the recipe of this very special fried banana here. Let's check it out!

My Special Fried Banana  

  • 2 piece of banana (pisang raja would be better)
  • 4 tbs of wheat flour
  • 1 tbs of rice flour

How to manage your daily menu

As a housewife, one of daily chore is cooking. We eat three times a day, and that is such a big effort to cook it daily. Not like work or school which have one-two days off, cooking must be done every day, of course because we eat every day. Even when we are fasting, we still eat at sahur and break-fast at Maghrib. Sometimes we are difficult to decide what to cook for the day. The decision that should be take daily will get easier by one of my following tips.
indonesian food. yummy ^_^

1. Arrange monthly menus
If you are busy and still have to cook at home due to diet program or prefer your own cook than that sold outside, this may help you.

Ujian Kompetensi Guru 2015 (sub english SMA)

My first experience joining UKG. Maybe I am not the only one. As it was just held by the government the second time. When the test coming, I am registered as an English teacher at senior high school. And just for your information, if you teach religion subject, like Sejarah Kebudayaan Islam, Bahasa Arab, Fiqih etc, which commonly held by Madrasah Aliyah teacher, then you don't have to take UKG. According to the committee's explanation, the certificate that will be issued by Kementrian Pendidikan Nasional and Religion Affair is different.

Now, I will give some description about what I've done on UKG. There are 60 questions for English subject to complete. Consist of

Uji Kompetensi Guru 2015 (how you do the test)
Several hours before I was at computer laboratory of SMP 2 Pati. Together with some other teachers doing a test called UKG, Uji Kompetensi Guru. Although I just became a teacher for 4 months, the procedure require me to do the test just like any other 'senior' teacher. The test is kind of 'a must' for all teacher who teach in Indonesia.

I was registered as English teacher of Senior High School. I came to the pointed location before

Rice and Human Body

A tiny white grain is on my palm hand. A rice. I eat it everyday. Indonesian people said that they still feel hungry if they eat without rice. Even when they already have more than enough bread or some other surfeited food on their stomach. That day, I was looking on the grain more intense. I see it everyday of course. But different perspective just came to me out of nowhere when I see it more close.
The color and texture of a grain are so natural. A transparent white, hard light texture that can't be duplicate by human. I remember a case when imitation rice was spreading among people. It was almost look like a real one, made by plastic. What a horrible man who lying people to eat plastic to run their business.

Rice are easy to process. Just add sufficient water and heat it. It will cooked and changed to a white yet tender grain. The cooked form is so friendly for our digestion system. It is tender, so easy to chew, lighten teeth's job. It is also easy to swallow because it is not sticky.

And more important thing is that it come from a nature. Grow up from earth. Just like our body which also consist of earth's element. I think that will explain why our body is so welcoming over the rice, and another natural food. These nature products have same element with our bodies'. That's why they can collaborate together to produce a healthy  physic. 
Maybe you ever asked yourself why our grand father and his friends in his era could live that long with fresh physic on his age. There were no chemical food or food with preservative that day. They only ate what nature offered them. So natural that their bodies didn't get any contamination of unnatural things. Maybe that is one of their long life factors.

So, if you want to live healthy, it is easy. Just eat less fabricated food, eat more natural food.
See you on the next experience of mine. ;)

Join me at Pati-Surabaya Trip

I usually go to Surabaya by train. From Balapan Solo, Tugu Yogyakarta, Pasar Senen Jakarta or Pemalang train station. My father won't allow me to go there by bus, except I have companion to go with me. He was worried on how I manage a transit at bus station which is not that save than at train station. But, according to my home now, Pati, I have to go 2 hours bus to Semarang to reach the nearest train station. Due to geographical issue, railway can not be built through Pati and its surround.

After undefined years

I got back to surabaya! Several times after I graduate from ITS, I went to Surabaya by myself, either for attend friend's wedding nor respond to interview call from enterprises. I slept on my friend's room that still stay in Surabaya to finish their study. If I had some spare time before I go back to Solo, I like to travel around some places that I used to visit back then.
industrial engineering, our beloved department
But yesterday visit was different. I touch Bungurasih's bus station with my husband. The one I spend years together in Surabaya as my college friend, now we come together as husband and wife. I felt something different, walk through classes building holding hands. Hmm...never imagine it before because I thought I would marry some else than him. But there we are, memorizing every part of our building department and find and smiling.
We decided to stay at Bougenvile wisma, which is located inside ITS area. We went around ITS and found so many development on buildings and other facilities: signage, direct-drink water, main gate, bicycle station, eco park with organic vegetable, larger Sakinah, renovated Manarul Ilmi, etc. How long haven't we been here???
Next morning, my husband and I went to Blok-U to visit Pak Nursuko from BAAK. He had close relation with my husband since my husband rent his house when was in college. He was very happy welcoming us in his house. And we share many stories about other CSS MoRa-ers, continue to master degree, etc.
Hasil gambar untuk asrama its
A bridge between Blok C and Blok A of Asrama ITS
Next stop was lunch. We have our  meal at different foodshop every eat-time, while having some nostalgic chat during the time. We also came visiting our ex-room at Asrama ITS and some funny stories urged about him flirting me that time, and I didn't pay much attention on him. I got annoyed because he wouldn't stop doing that. I just thought he as an ordinary guy. But now he walk beside me as my man. Don't we all have our romantic stories? ;)
Our journey has to stop because my husband should go back to his work and I have to come to school the next day. After we attended our friend' wedding reception at Lamongan, we rode the bus heading back to Pati. See you soon Surabaya. See you soon unspeakable memories.
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